Please complete the form below to submit a prayer request. Include in your request the name of the person in need of prayer, any comments about their need, and whether or not they have given permission to publicize their name in our worship service and newsletter. Prayer requests are emailed directly to our Pastor. Prayer requests are held for 30 days. If you need continuing prayer after that, please submit another prayer request.
Prayer requests may be publicized in our weekly Enews and/or monthly Reporter newsletter. If you do not want your request publicized in these newsletters, please indicate that on the form below. If you do give permission, please follow the guidelines below.
“The basic principle of a right to health information privacy that is foundational to HIPPA should be honored by churches. Churches should also be aware that the fact that HIPPA does not apply to them does not mean that a church or its individual members are immune to lawsuits over the unauthorized revelation of false medical information and sometimes even accurate medical information about an individual that is made public without their permission.” (
Guidelines for prayer request submission for publication:
Prayer requests may be publicized in our weekly Enews and/or monthly Reporter newsletter. If you do not want your request publicized in these newsletters, please indicate that on the form below. If you do give permission, please follow the guidelines below.
“The basic principle of a right to health information privacy that is foundational to HIPPA should be honored by churches. Churches should also be aware that the fact that HIPPA does not apply to them does not mean that a church or its individual members are immune to lawsuits over the unauthorized revelation of false medical information and sometimes even accurate medical information about an individual that is made public without their permission.” (
Guidelines for prayer request submission for publication:
- Prayer requests via the form below are submitted to the Pastor before listing in our publications.
- Any person’s name published on a church prayer list or website should always be with that individual’s express permission. Additional details about health matters should also be listed only with an accompanying permission. In some cases where the individual is extremely ill, or not an adult, this permission may be given by an appropriate caregiver, guardian or family member.
- Everyone has the right not to have their hospitalization or other medical treatments made public.
- Individuals may request that the church pray for them even as they remain unnamed.
- Prayer requests are held for 30 days and then deleted. If you want your prayer request to continue you must re-submit the request.