What Makes UCC Different? We've made a commitment to building a just world for all through ministry, mission, and witness. Click on the image below to see!
To learn more about our Just World Covenants, click here.
The United Church of Christ Mission Ministry Team is dedicated to improving the lives through faith-centered action by responding to identified local, regional, national, or international opportunities to:
- Support the National United Church of Christ financially
- Collaborate with like-minded groups to empower the less fortunate in our society
- Facilitate programs that embrace socioeconomic, political, racial, and ethnic equality
- Implement outcome-based programs that seek to foster faith through action
- Evaluate activities, on a continual basis, to maximize time, talent, and financial resources
Local Opportunities for Missions
The United Church of Christ at The Villages conducts/participates in a number of local projects:
- Sponsor of the Martin Luther King Remembrance Breakfast Scholarships
- On-going discussion about what we can do as a faith community to alleviate racism
- Suitcase/toiletries/gifts collection for local domestic abuse and homeless shelters
- Collection of Box Tops for Education and Pull Tabs for Ronald McDonald House
- Recycling of printer cartridges and Church paper/cans/bottles
- Documentary films focusing on environmental and social justice issues
- Providing books to underserved communities
- Supporting Cancer, MS & Alzheimer's disease organizations
- Providing handmade shawls to those in need of comfort
Walks of SupportUCC assists in organizing walkers and supporters for local Cancer, MS and Alzheimer’s diseases
Seeds of HopeSeeds of Hope concert series and on-going food collection provides non-perishable foods for the Wildwood Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry
Clothing Collection & Food DonationsClothing collection and donation to the Helping Hands Ministry in Wildwood provides free distribution to those in need.
Suitcase DriveEach year, a drive is conducted to donate gently used suitcases and new toiletries to local shelters for domestic abuse victims and homeless women and children.
Prayer ShawlsChurch volunteers knit/crochet shawls for those in need of comfort. The shawls are free to anyone in need.
Sharing ChristmasUCC collects money for gift cards each Christmas to be given to local women's and children's shelters.
Little Free LibraryLibrary boxes are placed in communities where children and adults can access books....they can borrow a book, take a book, or replace a book with a different book. The boxes provide a place of learning and community in the areas they are placed. Our church builds and places the boxes then provides the books on an ongoing basis. Shown is the unveiling of our first box in the Royal community of Wildwood FL. At right is the presentation of thank you plaques.
If you are interested in becoming a Team member or volunteering for any of the activities, please contact our church office, 352-748-9199 or email [email protected]
National & World Missions - Special Collections
The United Church of Christ at The Villages collects funds for 5 special missions each year:
- Our church's Wider Mission
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Strengthen the Church
- Neighbor's in Need
- The Christmas Fund
Our Church's Wider MissionOur Church's Wider Mission is a congregational budgeted payment to the National UCC to support four Covenanted Ministry partners: Office of General Ministries, Local Church Ministries, Wider Church Ministries, and Justice and Witness Ministries. To learn more see www.ucc.org/ocwm
Strengthen the ChurchStrengthen The Church (STC) is a special mission offering to reimagine and build the future of the UCC. STC largely supports youth ministries and full-time leaders for new churches in parts of the country where the UCC voice has not been heard. This donation is received on Pentecost Sunday.
The Christmas FundStrengthen The Church (STC) is a special mission offering to reimagine and build the future of the UCC. STC largely supports youth ministries and full-time leaders for new churches in parts of the country where the UCC voice has not been heard. This donation is received on Pentecost Sunday.
One Great Hour of SharingWOne Great Hour of Sharing is a refuge, relief, and development offering of the UCC that helps transform lives through health, educational, agricultural, and emergency relief initiatives in 138 countries. This special offering is collected during Lent.
Neighbors in NeedNeighbors In Need (NIN) is an offering that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry. Two-thirds is used by the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. This offering is received on World Communion Sunday.
Church World ServiceChurch World Service is a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster. UCC collects materials to send to CWS after hurricane and other disasters